Our Frugal Lifestyle

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Passionate about eco-frugality. I used to party hard, clubbing my way from pay-packet to pay-packet. Never getting ahead, just getting by. Then came our much wanted baby with no savings in the bank - only an old car. Changes were made to our lifestyle and we didn't turn back. In the past 6yrs we purchased a flat, found employment, lived below our means, built an emergency fund, purchased a reliable car and saw the financial benefits of our frugal lifestyle. Our only debt is our mortgage. Our aim is to manage our cash flow wisely, pay off our home quickly and eventually work for pleasure, not necessity. Join us on our journey, share insights, tips and tricks to help us and others to get ahead while having a good time.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Finding My Long Lost Motivation

Saving For Travel recently commented that I seem to be very motivated at present. I sure am!!! Much of this has to do with Dolly being in big school and arriving home exhausted. This means we have been keeping everything low key, eat early and in bed by 6:45 for 20 minutes or so of bedtime stories.

The Rambling Expat and I both lie in bed with her taking turns reading books. Once done she has been falling in a deep sleep by 7:15pm. I read my own books until 8:00pm (Current bedside book is - 7pm Bedtime) and then get up for a relaxing shower and tidy our home for 30 minutes. The chaos is slowly reducing as I rid of clutter and organise.

By 9:00pm I am sitting at my desk going through my paperwork, finances, bills, to do lists and so on that have been neglected for months. Each day something gets finished off and I feel amazingly energised and satisfied by the advancements I am making.

At 10:00pm I may work on a craft project or read my FREE magazines I have picked up from the library or giveaway shelves. At the moment my pile is high with investment, mortgage, gardening, home and money magazines. I tag articles I want to re-read, action or copy. I place copies in a folder I have named Frugal. I cut out real estate or jobs I'm interested in and paste them into a old 2007 work diary for future reference and knowledge building.

Getting Organised.

By 11:00pm I'm checking emails, blogging and visiting blogs until 1:00am. It's a new routine and I never stick to routines. But I would like this one to stick as I've been on it for 9 days and it's moving me forward. There is still a long way to go in my disorganisation but I'm hopefully getting to where I want to be.

So thanks to my sweet Dolly being so exhausted, I have uninterrupted hours to catch up with months of neglected TO DO LISTS.

How about you? Any new routines moving you forward? Any thing you want to share?


  1. I would live to find a routine at the moment but life seems to be so crazy and I'm working odd snifs that nothing seems to be making sense. I have my fingers crossed that I stumble across something soon! Thank you for sharing one tha looks like a winner.

  2. My home routine revolves around school. This week I will be returning late due to Parents Evenings.

    I don't mind as school is SOOO structured.

    I love reading about your progress, it's amazing and so inspirational!

    You find so much joy in what truly matters.

    Sft x

  3. Up till 1am? gosh - make sure that YOU get enough sleep - that sounds way too late for me :) It is good to get things sorted out though, and I guess that is when you have the time to do it.

  4. Hi Clare, Odd shifts make it really hard to get organised. i know I ddi it for years and years and years.

    SFT, My job is structured after years or juggling various jobs. I just need to learn to leave on time.

    African Aussie, I've always been a night owl and keep trying to change without much success. I feel tired often and as soon as it's dark I get all hyped up and energetic.


Thanks for commenting - I love getting feedback, sharing experiences and learning from you.