Hi Lovely Readers,
Today I spent my afternoon at The Sea Breeze Festival where I was invited to set up a stall for the community garden I am part of. Dolly and I set up a quick stall that fitted in our little city car. Nothing big - nothing flash but we had many visitors pop by and ask a number of questions.
I find it very satisfying, sharing knowledge and letting people know that "Yes" they can grow some of their own produce quite easily with little effort and that supermarkets do not have to be their only source of foods. Our weather is perfect for South East Asian produce and also some European produce during the cooler "Dry Season" months when the monsoonal showers subside.
When our stall had quiet moments I was amazed and proud to see my 6 year old Dolly invite people from the path to come and learn about local foods. Her participation in the community gardens has made her knowledgeable, confident and proud of her contributions. I overheard her explain to children and mothers how you can eat or prepare some of the produce we had on display. The gardening has allowed my daughter to understand where food comes from, what it needs to grow, the importance of insects and animal life and what foods do to her body. Now she readily shares her knowledge and skills with others. Since we started gardening she also happily snacks on green leaves as I garden and loves to show tourists and interstate gardeners around the garden plots, encouraging people to taste some of the plants. I love how they ask me if it's "edible" and I always tell them to trust my daughter as she knows her way around the plots and produce. It's been an amazing educational journey and to think 3 years ago I had never grown a vegetable before. What was I waiting for!!! It tastes good. It's Eco and it's super Frugal!!!
So what do you think about getting your hands in the soil and growing some of your own produce? Scary or something you are comfortable with?
Stephanie @ Frugal Down Under.
Our Frugal Lifestyle

- Frugal Down Under
- Passionate about eco-frugality. I used to party hard, clubbing my way from pay-packet to pay-packet. Never getting ahead, just getting by. Then came our much wanted baby with no savings in the bank - only an old car. Changes were made to our lifestyle and we didn't turn back. In the past 6yrs we purchased a flat, found employment, lived below our means, built an emergency fund, purchased a reliable car and saw the financial benefits of our frugal lifestyle. Our only debt is our mortgage. Our aim is to manage our cash flow wisely, pay off our home quickly and eventually work for pleasure, not necessity. Join us on our journey, share insights, tips and tricks to help us and others to get ahead while having a good time.
I am very comfortable getting in the soil and growing things. This was not always true because of severe allergies. I watched as my family gardened when I was a child. As an adult, I had to avoid soil and anything green AND dust of any kind. My allergies are much better but now, in the face of surgery on back, shoulder and knee (NOT replacement), I can do little but actually do lots.
ReplyDelete"Is it edible?"
"No, this is the poisonous food in the garden!"
Where is the sarcasm font?
I tried to grow veggies in pots last year but the weather was so bad in the Uk that I didn't manage to harvest much. I'm having a go again this year however due the the cold weather it's alate start.
That's a fantastic story! Well done you for bringing her up so well!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love getting muddy! The boyfriend had to stop me as I was leaving the house the other day to wipe some compost off my forehead! :)