Our Frugal Lifestyle

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Passionate about eco-frugality. I used to party hard, clubbing my way from pay-packet to pay-packet. Never getting ahead, just getting by. Then came our much wanted baby with no savings in the bank - only an old car. Changes were made to our lifestyle and we didn't turn back. In the past 6yrs we purchased a flat, found employment, lived below our means, built an emergency fund, purchased a reliable car and saw the financial benefits of our frugal lifestyle. Our only debt is our mortgage. Our aim is to manage our cash flow wisely, pay off our home quickly and eventually work for pleasure, not necessity. Join us on our journey, share insights, tips and tricks to help us and others to get ahead while having a good time.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dolly's First Lunch Box

My 4 year old Dolly went back to preschool yesterday after a 4 week holiday. She now has to take a lunch box to school each day with a few items to snack on for morning tea. She was sooooooo excited to take a lunch box with her.

Here is what I packed:
  • A vegemite and cheese sandwich cut into a mickey mouse shape.
  • Half an apple sliced.
  • 3 small pieces of blue cheese.
  • 1 snake bean.
She ate the sandwich and snake bean. The other items she left untouched. I am determined to not fall prey to all those glossy overpacked kids lunchbox treats. However I have been trying to purchase a bento egg/rice mould. I have been unsuccessful here in my town and have decided to buy a few items from Ebay to use during Dolly's primary school years. The choice is overwhelming and it may take me time to decide what to purchase. I hope to graduate to cute but healthy Bento lunch boxes.

Morning Tea filled Lunchbox.
For myself I took some spag bol to the office for lunch. I included Dolly's sandwich leftover cutouts from her shaped sandwich. Minimal waste, as I challenge myself each day to be resourceful.

Do you pack someone else's lunch or just your own? What do you include?


  1. I always make a big pot of soup over the weekend with all the veggies that look a little wilted, and anything else that needs to be used up. Then I freeze it in individual containers and just grab one of those as I walk out the door.

  2. Meant to say - I love that sandwich! do you have a mickey mouse cutter?

  3. Hi African Aussie,
    I have a box full of different metal cookie cutters. My favourite is a butterfly which i cut her sandwich into today. I decorated it with carrot pieces. Very cute, to keep my girl excited about her cool looking lunches. I refuse to have prepackaged stuff so will need to keep it looking as good as her friends by making them creative and desirable.


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